Things I do to help me be a calmer mum

Through lots of trial and error and much help from many people over the last few years, I’m not even to shy to admit most of these tips I got from CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) I’ve learnt ways to deal with the many feelings us mums (dads/parents) deal with on a daily basis!

I thought I’d share the things I do most days which if I keep on top of helps me immensely

1. Leave the house, even if it’s a short walk to the shop for milk it makes a huge difference to me!

2. Breathe, as simple as it sounds taking around five deep breaths helps me when I feel like I’m going to lose my sh*t

3. Never underestimate the power of a trip to the park when the kids won’t stop fighting/bickering/whining. I find this settles the kids and helps me massively.

4. Walk away, take yourself to the bathroom for a few minutes to get your head together, granted this is easier said than done! If your kids are like mine they will just follow you an continue to whine or shout.

5. Have some distractions up your sleeve, mine are good old “let’s play hide and seek” or “look there’s a bird/plane/dog” whatever you can see just to reset for a second, I’ve even been known to bring out the felt tips when I’m feeling really overwhelmed! This is rare though, unfortunately my sprogs can’t be trusted with pens, paint or slime!

6. If all else fails when it’s the end of a hard arse day, if you’re lucky enough to have a supportive other half tag them in an take some time away for yourself

7. Always say sorry! Even with the tricks I’ve learnt and use to try and remain calm I do lose my sh*t more times than I’d like to admit. You have to be kind not only to yourself but your kids which is why I always apologise when it happens and explain how I was feeling and why and how I should have dealt with my frustration instead of shouting. I find this helps with the mum guilt and teaches the kids better ways to deal with anger or overwhelm.

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