About me!

Hey there! I’m the Introverted mum! otherwise known as anti social or just a bit weird. Im a mum, nurse, other half and if you ask my friends ‘goth’ but that’s not exactly true. Yes I wear black day in and day out and I’m much happier listening to people scream lyrics rather than rap but I’m not fully there with the goth life. I have a soft spot for country too, apparently that makes me ‘Yall-ternative’ but I don’t think that’s something I should be bragging about.

I’m a mum of 3 girls (not sure how it happened to be honest) who are still young enough to need me every minute of every day. A nurse who works full time and carries the guilt of that and a partner to the luckiest man alive even if I do say so myself.

I enjoy avoiding other humans and interactions as much as I possibly can, family days out visiting places when we know it’ll be empty so obviously not the school holidays! And sitting at home crocheting like my life depends on it.